Midsummer Night’s
Dream: On Tour
by William Shakespeare
Spring 2017
Tour Partner : Mary’s Place
A whimsical and romping touring production re-built for non-traditional theatre spaces. Midsummer played up close and with all the lights on complete with live music, giant flower umbrellas, and a magical mass of bubbles!
The Players
Leah Adcock-Starr (director, designer, producer)
Kieran Adcock-Starr (actor, producer)
Corey Lynn Atencio (actor, musician)
Adrian Cerrato (actor)
Celia Forrest Bell (actor, musician)
Maya Burton (actor)
Malie Fuji (production manager)
“I liked it. Yeah, Shakespeare’s alright.”
Wiley Basho Gorn (actor, musician)
Jonelle Jordan (actor)
Hazel Lozano (actor)
Mimi Santos (actor)
Lindsay Zae Summers (actor)
Lily Warpinski (actor, musician)